Saturday, February 2, 2008

I hate Sean Penn

As a liberal, maybe I shouldn't say things like that. Dude's out there doing good works in between bouts of self-righteousness, and you've got to respect that. Sure, he's a wacko, and he marginalizes other people trying to make the same point by being a big Hollywood Weirdo. But his heart's probably in the right place. That's not why I hate him.

Two words: Bill. Murray. Maybe the greatest actor I've ever seen. Has been shafted time and time again by the Academy Awards. The most recent of which was for Lost in Translation, and that Oscar went to Sean Penn's melodramatic ass.

So eat shit, Sean. It's Groundhog's Day, which I also declare to be International Bill Murray Day. Off to celebrate.


In case those of you who may, for one reason or another, stumble across this page and wonder about the name, here's a brief explanation.

The book The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy posits that the answer to the Ultimate Question was 42. Unfortunately, it was never (directly) revealed what the question was. Well, at a point in the 3rd book, a character wonders aloud what the question might be. The response to this, from their ship's computer was "Think of a number. Any number."

It's a line that gets looked over quite easily. In fact, I've been misquoting it for years as I tried to explain this little theory. But although no character recognizes it, it's the only question that

a) fits the answer and
b) actually means something.

The fact is, there is no ultimate point to everything. It's a random and absurd universe. But that's not anything to get all upset about! Might as well enjoy the absurdity, enjoy the ride, and try to treat other people as best you can. I suppose it could be described as happy-go-lucky existentialism.

More posts as events warrant.